This video explains how trauma affects the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which regulates the body's vital functions. It also offers some tips on how to calm the ANS and cope with trauma symptoms
This video introduces the concept of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), which are traumatic events that occur in childhood and can have lasting impacts on health and well-being. It also discusses how to prevent and heal from ACEs
This video explores the polyvagal theory, which is a framework for understanding the role of the vagus nerve in emotional regulation, social connection, and trauma recovery. It also explains how to use the polyvagal theory to improve mental health
This video demonstrates how to use an acupressure ring, which is a device that stimulates the acupoints on the fingers. It claims that using an acupressure ring can help reduce stress, anxiety, and pain
This video shows how to perform a self-massage technique that can help reduce anxiety and tension. It involves applying gentle pressure to the temples, forehead, and neck
This video explains how humming can have positive effects on the brain and the body. It suggests that humming can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation and healing. It also provides some humming exercises to try